WSASEA Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Incoming/Outgoing Executive Board Meeting Minutes
August 22, 2002 – 11am-3pm
Central Washington University

In Attendance: Jim DeWilde, President; Gayle Dohrman, President Elect; Laurie Armstrong, Past President; Bob Yohnka, Treasurer; Eryn Pearson, Secretary; Ruth Sanders, Past Vice President and Nancy Nieraeth, WebMaster (via conference call).

Meeting called to order at 11:20.

Introductions: Meet new board members (Jim DeWilde and Eryn Pearson).

Old Business: Vacant Board Positions. Discussion regarding pending board member positions (Vice President and Member-At-Large).

Ruth Sanders reviewed WSASEA’s conference folder and preparation for the 2003 conference at Rainbow Lodge (5/5/03-5/7/03): (a) checklist for recent conference, (b) documents for conferences on disk, (c) arrival and departure dates (10:00 a.m. arrival time for board members on 5/5/03), (d) feedback from hand-outs and sign-up sheet, (e) conference room lay-out and (f) mileage charts.

Additional recruitment attempts to fill vacant positions by Laurie Armstrong and Eryn Pearson.

I-9 Seminar. I-9 discussion regarding survey that Bob Yohnka from SPU sent out via Mail Serve and responses.

New publication is available from the INS office about the Form I-9.

Possibility of doing an I-9 discussion at the Town Meeting in October. Bob Yohnka and Jim DeWilde will coordinate. INS requires 50 people in attendance. Discussed the possibility of extending Town Meeting invitation to other parties on college/university campuses that deal with the Form I-9 as well (i.e. HR, Payroll, etc.).

Old Business: Administrator of the Year 2002. No nominees. Discussed
ways to better promote for next year, especially to newer members. Ideas were to increase email communication between members, possibly mail nomination forms to department head or supervisor and features on WSASEA website.

New Business: Fall Town Meeting Date and Agenda. This year’s Town Meeting will be held at Central Washington University on Friday, October 25, 2002, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Gayle Dohrman reserved the facility.

10:00 – Call Meeting to Order.
10:00-10:10 – Introduction of New Board Members.
10:10-10:15 – Reading of the Minutes.
10:15-10:25 – Treasurer’s Notes.
10:25-11:25 – INS/Form I-9.
11:25-11:30 – Break.
11:30-12:30 – Department of Education.
12:30-1:15 – Lunch.
1:15-2:00 – HECB.
2:00-2:30 – Gear Up.
2:30-3:00 – Round Table Discussion.

Treasurer’s Report. Bob Yohnka. Checking balance is $300 higher than previous year, which could be attributed to Rainbow Lodge for Spring Conference and last year’s guest speakers. Current records reflect that WSASEA is $686 ahead from last year’s Spring Conference. Question brought up regarding the balance of the checking and savings account and whether or not some of the money could be used to match funds with the HECB grant WSASEA to proposing to write.

HECB Administrative Grant Idea for WSASEA. Conference call with Nancy Nieraeth. WSASEA to apply for an administrative grant through the HECB.

Goals: (1) purchase equipment (i.e. CD’s and scanner) to archive information for incoming members, (2) training, (3) increase information online, (4) purchase a lap top computer, (5) professional development for members and perks to WSASEA membership and officer positions, (6) build a conference development guide and (7) develop promotional CD’s to increase WSASEA awareness and membership.

New Business:

Nancy spoke to Mary Gsell and the grant will not cover travel compensation, but would support executive coaching. WSASEA would promote as an enrichment grant that would increase the knowledge and popularity of the organization, increase institutional support and promote the perks of WSASEA.

Initial start would be to purchase equipment to update data and history to a more modern format, and then move into training members. Create CD’s for research, especially for introducing different board member’s roles and to recruit for future positions. Work-study students could help with archiving material, which we could pay student out of grant.

Nancy will follow-up with Mary Gsell about the grant application.

Spring Conference. Ideas: (1) website job database presentation from schools – online presentation of what different schools are using and reasons for their selection and (2) HR/form design/fair labor standards/temporary employee vs. student employee/stipends.

To solicit conference topics, do a web survey and offer prizes for ideas.

Conference 2003 at Rainbow Lodge. Arrival day is 5/5/03, departure day is 5/7/03. Board members may arrive at 10:00 a.m. on 5/5/03; additional members will arrive by 1:00 p.m.

Miscellaneous. Discussion about creating a new membership position, NSEA Liaison.