WSASEA Executive Board Meeting

Conference Planning 2003



WSASEA Executive Board Meeting



Meeting called to order.  1:10 p.m.


In attendance:  Jim DeWilde, Nancy Nieraeth, Bob Yohnka, Laurie Armstrong, Gayle Dohrman, Lisa Fortson, Eryn Pearson.


Welcome Executive Board Members.

Welcome Lisa Fortson to newly appointed V.P. Office.

Mary Gsell from HECB to stop by later to review goals of grant.



Brainstorming.  Meeting Goals.


Goal to plan Spring Conference.

Determine how to archive materials and information for WSASEA.

Sign up for domain name for WSASEA.

Storage space on web.

Work on conference planning guide.

Comprehensive calendar for Board.

Board job descriptions.

Expenditures to date.

Correspondence templates.

25th year anniversary – plan event.

Discussion about membership dues.

Possible grant year two – membership development.

Digital camera demo – group photo.

Computer training.

Consistent theme for WSASEA – website, logo, letterhead, etc.

Website improvements – more interaction.


Camera demonstration.


Grant Proposal.


Goals to increase awareness of WSASEA, equipment purchases, improvement of web resources, archiving historical materials, conference development.



HECB reimbursement forms.

  Breakdown of costs for grant request.

  Expenditures to date:  laptop computer, digital computer, accommodations for January    meeting, travel expenses for January meeting and food expenses for January meeting.

$1998.00 spent on January conference. $2357.00 spent on camera and laptop.



 Currently using Access to keep track of registration/membership.



  Contract, warranty, bonding, insurance.  For time being, enter a signature agreement for individual in possession of equipment.  Decide on who will keep equipment.  Plan for next 3 years to upgrade equipment – develop a plan.


Spring Conference.


Breakdown/daily schedule. 




Reservation at Rainbow Lodge.


Conference attendance (HECB scholarships for schools w/ travel freezes, promotion online, email communication via Access database, pictures of lodge, fees, questionnaire re. attendance for conference, conflict w/ WASEA conference).


Topics:  (1) Form I-9, Social Security Card, IRS (speaker from INS and reps from different colleges/universities or international student rep from a campus), (2) HECB update (state/federal update, funds management, theology majors receiving state aid, carry forward option, high demand majors/employers) (3) Department of Education – Financial Aid 101, (4) more detailed funds management (budget, time sheets, ownership, etc.), (5) panel of employers, (6) educational piece for employers/employer orientation materials (website resource), (7) Keynote employer speakers (i.e. Rotary, Chamber of Commerce, Retired Executives of America, Peace Corp, students from community service programs, WASEA/NSEA President, Deanna Thompson) or potential employer involvement at Spring Conference (funding offer from HECB), (8) assessment program/effectiveness (self evaluation), (9) Jose Dominguez on marketing student employment programs, (10) student employee of the year and administrator of the year (Board possibly nominate administrator or send nomination forms to supervisors at college/university), (11) Cindy McBeth recognition (request letter, poem, picture, etc. from people attending or not – put in book),  (12) WSASEA (overview, benefits, grant update, history, new website features), (13) prospective from different campuses on how work-study program is handled, (14) job databases/online employment opportunities at different campuses (payroll information), (15) economy (job trends, increase in students seeking employment, etc.).


Theme (Who Moved My Cheese?)


Community Service Organization (change geography from year to year).


Pick list of 1st choices and select time slots.  Contact speakers.


Go through 2nd list of choices if 1st picks do not work.


Meeting adjourned 5:17 p.m.


President’s Social, rm. 2156.



WSASEA Executive Board Meeting

February 1, 2003



Meeting Called to Order – 9:17.


Break into 2 Groups (financial & topics for discussion).


Group Two: 

(1)   Finalize conference plans:  speakers, schedule, back-up keynote speaker, solicit conference topics from members, registration materials, agenda on the web, conference survey, call for presenters, theme.

E-mail with intent to attend (money, WASEA conference, work conflict, location, other), session ideas, present session, topics for Round Table discussion on Day 2

Back-up options or Round Table discussions:  FERPA, sexual harassment, supervisor’s guide, Patt Schwab for Day 1, Deanna Thompson for Day 1


Gayle:   contact Myrtle Ching-Rappa for Day 1, technology panel/homegrown job website on Day 2, WSU International Services Rep for Day 2

Nancy:  contact Jeff Strong for Day 3; contact Chad about Job X and Daphne Moran (CBC - Interface) on Day 2

Bob:  Day 1 WSASEA presentation

Laurie:  Day 1 WSASEA presentation, contact HECB about Day 1 and Day 2 presentations

Eryn:  contact Patt Schwab for availability, contact Grace Weiner about community service project and brochures (print out information from website), contact Rainbow Lodge for modem capability for main room and upstairs sitting room and meal times (taco bar on 5/5 for Cinco de Mayo), email Mariana Deeken re. Day 3 for Financial Aid 101 and updates with the Dept. of Ed, registration, Cinco de Mayo theme for first night (games, party favors)

Jim:  Day 2 panel presenter for funds management, will line up other presenter for funds management, student employee of the year rating sheet

Mary:  Contact Jose regarding marketing your student work-study program for Day 2

Lisa:  Draft email for intent to attend (WSASEA members, Financial Aid Directors, Student Employment Coordinators), WSASEA presentation Day 1, registration


Administrator of the Year – send out to Financial Aid Administrators prior to Spring Conference registration or an e-mail submission.  Mary Gsell has a list of Financial Aid Administrators and Student Employment Coordinators (Eryn contact Mary for list) – Nancy and Gayle.  Plaque, Laurie will purchase.


Student Employee of the Year – send out applications, purchase award, savings bond and invitation to student – Laurie.


Cindy McBeth Recognition – email requests for Cindy stories (contact HECB members/students, WSASEA members), memory book, award/plaque (Laurie) – Eryn (get list from Bob).


Day 1:

            10:00 Board members show up

            1:00-2:00 Registration

2:00-3:00 WSASEA overview/theme (Cinco de Mayo)/ice breaker/board member nominations/housekeeping/ WSASEA directory online

3:00-5:00 HECB update

5:00-5:30 Break

5:30-6:30 Dinner

6:30-8:30 Myrtle Ching-Rappa presentation on Who Moved My Cheese


Day 2:

            7:30-8:30 Breakfast

            8:30-9:45 HECB Funds Management presentation

            9:45-10:00 Break

10:00-11:10 Panel Session:  Funds Management (Jim DeWilde and another speaker) and Online Job Database (Gayle Dohrman, Daphne Moran, Chad or Linda Bures)

11:10-11:15 Break

11:15 – 12:00 Administrator of the Year, Student of the Year, Cindy McBeth recognition

12:00-1:00 Lunch

1:00-2:30 International students

2:30-2:45 Break

2:45-4:00 Jose Dominguez presentation on Marketing Your Student Employment Program

4:00-4:15 Break

4:15-5:15 Roundtable discussion

5:30 Dinner and Board membership nominations


Day 3:

            7:30-8:30 Breakfast

8:30-9:30 Department of Education, Mariana Deeken, Financial Aid 101 and federal update

            9:30-10:00 Clean room break

            10:00-12:00 Bring Play into the Workplace, Jeff Strong

            12:00-2:00 Lunch, business meeting and grant update



Revise conference fees -  $165.00 members, non members $190.00 (includes 2003-04 membership)


Revise room reservation fees – do not provide a single room option, provide an option for people that would like to request double up and roommate also if there are special sleeping concerns, exceptions can be made for single occupancy


Single day conference fees - $35.00 (includes lunch, Day 2 & Day 3; Day 1 includes dinner) per day, separate breakfast $6.00 and separate dinner $8.00 when not included


Eliminate technology information form


Community service project information


Driving directions


Conference packet should be emailed out 2/28/03 (Financial Aid Administrators, WSASEA members, Student Employment Coordinators)


Email for intent to attend conference out 2/14/03 (WSASEA members and all Student Employment Coordinators)


Email to Financial Aid Administrators for Administrator of the Year out 2/21/03


Registration deadline 4/1/03


(2)   Complete a comprehensive calendar for WSASEA

(3)   Create Board job descriptions, link to comprehensive calendar with different colors to specify which officer

(4)   Membership dues  - put to a vote at Spring Conference, but will increase Spring Conference fees (increase by $15)

(5)   Consistent theme/logo for WSASEA for letterhead, correspondence, website, etc.; correspondence templates; treasurer’s report; agenda; registration forms; sign up sheet for Town Meeting; proclamation request; meeting minutes; expenditure spreadsheet; Student Employee of the Year; Administrator of the Year; conference planning guide; evaluation forms; by-laws; ballots; conference schedule; form letters; thank-you letters; reimbursement forms; surveys and evaluations (Word or HTML format) - Nancy

(6)   Spring Conference planning guide – Nancy will update with above information regarding Spring Conference at meeting, contact WASEA and NSEA to see if they have a planning guide

(7)   Sign up domain name – Nancy (

(8)   Web server space

(9)   Archiving WSASEA materials/information – organize by year (CWU - $700).  Gayle will ask what format, President Elect will be responsible for historical data, Gayle will also keep hard copies of yearly folders

(10)           2 year grant membership development – tackle at Board Meeting/Spring Conference

(11)           Website improvements

(12)           Develop a contract for who will keep the equipment


            Group One:  Financial discussion – available funds from WSASEA grant.


Enough money left over to pay for travel expenses for those schools that won’t compensate (Pierce and WWU) at $.34 and pay for parking.


Enough money to pay for meals for $8.50 for lunch and $11.75 for dinner for all school representatives.


Room reimbursement for all for meeting.  Submit receipts and forms to Bob.


Meeting adjourned 6:15.


WSASEA Executive Board Meeting



Meeting called to order 9:10.


Items to finish.


Board job descriptions.


            Web server space.

                        Domain name registration and costs

                        Email addresses

                        $78.40 for full service for 1st year at Lowest Hosting

                        $12.95 for domain name each year following

                        $4.95 per month per domain name for hosting, billed annually ($59.50)

                        Nancy will do additional research and will go ahead and register

                        Lowest Hosting should provide enough server space for WSASEA


            Website improvements.

Query option specific to member or non-member w/o accessing whole database

More interactive website

Security/password protected files

Direct site location


Data collection


Email reminders for membership fees, meetings, surveys, etc.


            Contract for equipment and ownership.

                        Mary Gsell researching other non-profit organizations on bond options

Create a contract for individual in possession of equipment vs. insurance for organization so that individual would not be solely responsible

Eryn – look into insurance for WSASEA or equipment ($2357.00) and cost

                        Laptop will preside with the Secretary

                        Digital camera will preside with the President Elect


Meeting adjourned 10:46.