WSASEA   Washington State Association of Student Employment Administrators
Collectively addressing post-secondary student employment issues since 1979

WSASEA is a non-profit organization formed in 1979 by a group of student employment administrators who believed that issues and concerns related to student employment could be better addressed collectively. Because distance and financial restraints prevent many members from attending regional and national conferences, a State association was formed. Marcy Jefferson, from the University of Puget Sound, was the first President of WSASEA in 1979.

Membership is open to student employment administrators at public and private institutions of higher education in Washington State, as well as professionals from business, industry, and government who share an interest in issues affecting student employment.

As of early 2009, WSASEA is the only state association for student employment administrators. We are fortunate to enjoy strong support from the Washington State Student Achievement Council and our other areas of state government.

WSASEA holds one Fall Town Meeting and one Spring Conference annually. In 1994, WSASEA began a tradition of including a Community Service Project and reflection session at their annual conference.

Annual membership dues are approved by the members.  To join WSASEA and view current dues, please complete a Membership Application Form. Please mail or fax the form to the current WSASEA Treasurer with your payment, or you may pay your dues online.

The Goals of WSASEA are:

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